Feeling a sense of entitlement, aversion from discomfort and loss are characteristics found most often among children. Until and unless kids are socialized so as to come to grips with not getting their way; they will strike out against pain and loss. Temper tantrums will become the coping mechanism they employ.

Anyone who has had a child can attest to the instinctually selfish nature of a baby. If the process of inculcating reality, discipline and values is never accomplished the child will grow up unhappy, feeling victimized, offended by the slightest difference of opinion. Today we call these grown young adults snowflakes. The imperfect life that is everyone’s reality is a continuing source of stress for snowflakes.

The progressive movement exhibits and exploits these childish characteristics. If the game (election) doesn’t go their way, they try to change the rules (allow illegal immigrants and felons to vote, get rid of Electoral College) or take the ball and go home (boycott hearings). After the Kavanaugh nomination progressives suggest we pack (increase number of justices) the Supreme Court and commence impeachment proceedings. Unfamiliar ideas are a threat rather then ideas to be explored.

If the facts don’t support their cause, they make up new “facts”. As the economy accelerates they claim people are worse off or give credit to the administration whose policies were 180 degrees different. They “know” Kavanaugh assaulted a girl despite any facts to support the allegation. Hint, an accusation awakened by a shrink 36 years after the alleged incident is not evidence. If history doesn’t support their theories they rewrite history. For example the failed record of socialism, wage mandates and rent control meet the progressive’s need for simple solutions, so the history of failure is ignored. If someone disagrees with a progressive that person is not just wrong but assumed to have malicious intent – racist, homophobic, islamophobic, misogynistic etc. Name-calling is classic infantile behavior. Thus it is an essential tool for progressives.

Censorship, banning, burning, assaulting, insulting and shouting down are progressive tactics.

Conservative speakers are routinely harassed, threatened and/or banned at college campuses nationwide. Leftists, communists, black supremacists, jihadists and socialists encounter none of these barriers from conservatives on campus.

Republican office holders are harassed and threatened at their homes, while eating at restaurants and attending shows with family. Walking the halls of Congress Republicans now face screaming incoherent yah-yahs. Radicals hurl insults at Republicans during congressional hearings. Progressives act like poorly disciplined kids who recognize no boundaries. This kind of behavior is rarely seen coming from conservatives.

Innocent people are assaulted by mobs like the ones in Portland. In places like Baltimore, San Jose, Berkley and Ferguson property is destroyed and set on fire. In every case the perpetrators are from the left. Conservatives, moderates, nonpartisans and the few liberals that still exist don’t exhibit these childish (criminal) behaviors.

Leftist hissy fits are not new. They always have an excuse for their incivility. Viet Nam, guns, the World Bank, abortion, ROTC, Bush, Reagan the list is endless. Today it’s Trump. Tomorrow it will be Pence, Haley or Pompeo.

Why has the misbehavior exploded as of late? The answer is very simple. The world progressives perceived, better know as the bubble they reside in, burst with an election result they were sure was impossible. A very plainspoken, sometimes crude President, who is actually keeping his campaign promises (effective), offends progressives.

Should any of us be surprised? Not really. Progressives are weaned on a lack of respect for authority, a lack of understanding of the First Amendment, animus for the Second Amendment and indulged by an education focusing on rights with little room for responsibility. A general lack of appreciation for the essence of their good fortune here in America fuels their rage.

It’s their cause uber alles. They have been nurtured on ignorance of those with whom they disagree. Just the other day a well off middle-aged Jewish woman asked me if I supported white supremacy. Why did she think I would? Because I told her I was a conservative.

That’s why their rhetoric is filled with invectives about bigotry. The thought of actually listening instead of emoting is not even considered. Masked radicals armed with clubs assaulting innocents require not one fact or reasoning. Progressives sit atop their moral highchairs, faces covered with leftist pablum hurling insults.

Hillary says there is no need to be civil until her side wins an election. Eric Holder thinks it’s hilarious to suggest you kick the opposition when they go low. Democratic Senators turn hearings into exercises in character assassination. Thus the evidence that progressivism is now the driving force in the Democratic Party. Incivility has been normalized.

Any sense of decency is foreign to sweet progressives like the elementary school teacher in Santa Monica. Assured by her self-indulgent sense of moral superiority she chose to publically demean the behavior of an eight year old. She is so incensed and shocked that her bubble was burst 2 years ago that she saw fit to slime one of Trumps advisors by way of his behavior as an eight year old. Talk about bullying! This matronly middle-aged teacher should have been suspended without pay for at least the balance of this school year. Since she lives in the Peoples Republic of Santa Monica she will likely get a mere slap on the wrist. The message to other teachers is we understand her misstep, after all her target works for Trump.

Just checked, Ms. Indecent is back in the classroom, no penalty or slap on the wrist, case closed.

The President’s less then presidential demeanor and rhetoric on occasion eats away at their collective guts. Like children the coping mechanism features rage.

Opportunity and prosperity have never acted to govern their rage. Progressive histrionics have accomplished nothing in terms of opportunity, prosperity or security for anyone.

In two years the President’s policies have set us on a course of broad-based opportunity and prosperity like we haven’t seen since the 1960’s. One would have to be immature to render what’s working for the American people a lower priority then expressing their anger at someone who offends their tender sensibilities. But for poorly civilized kids as well as progressive’s immaturity is at the heart of their behavior.

If all this offends progressives, then frankly my dears I don’t give a damn.

1 Comment

  1. Barbara Decker

    Good article, Mike. I agree with you however what is really scary is the possibility that progressives truly believe what they say. That is an even bigger problem.


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