It is not very complicated. Hillary’s formula for economic recovery is ‘Obamanomics’ on steroids. That progressive prescription would implement higher taxes, more spending and regulation.

Since the national debt has soared past 19 trillion dollars and the massive spending proven to be counter-productive to economic growth, it must be curtailed. Obama spent almost 800 billion dollars on “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects plus a potpourri of other taxpayer paid goodies as rationalized to stimulate growth. He later admitted the projects “weren’t so shovel ready ” and the projected economic growth never materialized. Oh well at least he didn’t waste the multi-trillion plus dollars as proposed by Hillary.

What followed in the wake of his economic formula was eight years of pathetically anemic growth. The average G.D.P growth of 1.4% is among the worst historically. The worst post recession recovery since the Great Depression. After every other great recession/depression the recovery’s dynamism was commensurate on the upside with the depth of the downturn. The two exceptions were Obama’s and FDR’s progressive recovery programs that included a spending spree, higher taxes and excessive regulation.

That is exactly Hillary’s prescription. Her course of action: repeat the two failed recovery plans but this time with more spending, more regulation and even higher taxes. In other words she suggests we dig a deeper hole to bury America economically hoping past failed policy will miraculously work this time.

So what’s the appeal? Unfortunately economic history is not what has drawn the publics attention. Instead the prospect of lots of free goodies garners the public’s attention. Free pre-K, college tuition, health care, Internet, forgive college loan debt that young people promised to pay, new roads, dams, utilities, more Social Security and Medicare benefits – the socialist leaning list grows every day. Add mandated family leave as a further burden on businesses at a time when we see more business failures then formations. Something we have not seen in decades.

My God it’s Hillary’s Christmas gifts to all Americans every day bought on a national credit card that should have been cut in half years ago. She has proposed a debt ridden Uncle Sam gift-giving orgy paid for by those greedy enemies of Bernie, the “millionaires and billionaires”. Of course when the requisite revenue does not materialize it’s the average taxpayer who will get stuck with the bill. It’s Déjà Vu all over again. When capitol gains and luxury taxes were raised; and the alternate minimum tax imposed, less revenue flowed, jobs were lost and businesses closed.

Uncle Sam my dear friends is you and I.Taxing the “rich” will not only fail to fund all this nonsense but will stifle those who invest, grow and expand businesses – the job creators. Don’t tell Mrs. Clinton the secret that government doesn’t create jobs or prosperity. No matter how much she chooses to demonize the wealthy, they will not be able to pay these new bills and continue to create opportunity. Once hit with onerous tax burdens the job creators will create fewer jobs.

Revenue will never match the levels of spending proposed by progressives. Young people be aware, today’s “free” stuff will so burden economic growth that your bills in the future will far outpace the value of any free stuff today. Your support for Hillary will sabotage your future.

If only she took her husband’s practical approach by following his mantra,”the era of big government is over”. For all you lovers of Bill and Democrats who understood the dangers of big government, Hillary should not be your choice. She is running as a European Social Democrat, not a Bill Clinton, Democratic Leadership Council Democrat. The DLC was founded on the proposition that argued the United States Democratic Party should shift away from the leftward turn it took in the late 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. This is a world removed from the Bernie/Hillary sprint to the left.

We have a spending problem not a revenue problem. The huge rise in spending far outpaced all the added tax revenue. Please note as Obama’s taxes on the rich kicked in we managed to far outspend and add to the debt with stagnant growth. Receipts dipped as spending soared.Then when revenue picked up a bit, a spending orgy followed. Mind you this includes a modicum of restraint imposed by sequestration.

If Hillary is elected and implements her formula, get ready for the Western European style economic failure via ‘Obamanomics’ sliding into a full blown economic downturn. People on food stamps, in poverty, out of the work and out of the job market will increase and the middle class standard of living will continue to drop.

Unless a miracle occurs, an October surprise like exposure of more clear Hillary corruption that the public will finally us to disqualify her, we are in for some very rough times ahead.


  1. Lola

    If Hilary wins it will be, no doubt, by election fraud because Trump should pull in most of the unpolled, undecided voters. People have said this may be the most important election in our lives. It may be the most important in the history of our country. The media has made a huge effort to bolster her status while making an equal effort to trash Trump. Not to mention the disgraceful behavior of the Republican leadership.

    Good luck to us all, we may need it.

    1. mhayutin@gmail.com (Post author)

      With all due respect, if Donald loses it will be because he is a terrible candidate whose foot in the mouth disease has alienated most Americans. If conservatives react to his loss as if it is due to a “rigged” system and fraud then they set themselves up for more national loses moving forward. Yes, Hillary is terrible. But that has little to do with the fact that Donald is a moving mess of inconsistency, has a vacuous core and we have no idea how he would govern. Let alone no dicipline and a penchant for unnecessarily insulting just about everyone who dares to look at him with a crossed eye – meaning disagree with him on any issue. His skin is tissue paper thin. Without introspection, analyzing how we ended up with the only guy she can beat, we are really doomed. If we emulate Donald’s model of blame others for our failures then we get what we deserve. God knows I hope he beats her but he has to date done just about everything he can to sabotage any chance of winning. Blaming others is delusional.


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