With a great deal of trepidation I will cast my vote for Donald Trump. As such Mrs. Clinton has classified me as follows: a deplorable irredeemable racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe and islamophobe. I am sure, based on my political philosophy, that her litany of hateful horrible people includes me.

I want you to carefully consider what my positions are and why. After making those confessions will you also classify me as a bigot? Hillary first hurled her invective while being interviewed for an Israeli news outlet and then to a group of wealthy donors that included celebrities. I beg all of you to listen to her derisive remarks and contemptuous tone.

Not exactly the words or demeanor of a consensus builder who respects her fellow Americans.

Please note the laughs of condescension among those in her audience. Chuckle chuckle by some whose music you purchase and movies you attend. That’s what they think of you and me. Poor dumb bigots.

What follows is my confession to the following deplorable ideas.

‘Racist’ as defined by Hillary is as follows. Anyone who believes that hispanics, blacks and women are perfectly capable of achieving what they desire and work for without special accommodations or lowered standards. People like myself who believe that the single biggest reason for poverty, violence, lack of achievement and crime is not what used to be called racism (feeling a particular race is inferior and acting on it) but the cultural decay that has produced a 75% rate of single motherhood in the black community. Brought to us at the cost of trillions of dollars by guilt ridden well meaning Democrats who like Hillary have run our decayed inner cities for more then 50 years. Those who believe police brutality in any form is rare and that rogue cops are being investigated and indicted when appropriate are deemed racist. Those who believe that a 60/1 ratio of black on black homicide to police shootings of blacks would dictate that our attention by placed on black on black crime as the most productive way to preserve black life are deemed racist by Miss Purity herself. That good old fashion idea of attacking problems at their roots where it causes the most damage has now become a form of bigotry.

I am a sexist in Hillary’s eyes because of the following. I believe women and men are hardwired differently. I don’t buy the census figures she uses to claim a woman earns 77 cent for every dollar a man earns. Since those figures do not take into account the kind of job, experience, time on the job and a half dozen other variables they are virtually meaningless. But facts and figures make no difference when she is in the business of dividing and impugning.

I don’t believe that commenting to a woman on how beautiful or sexy she is should be classified as harassment let alone assault. I don’t believe that when two drunk college kids have sex and the girl wakes up with regret she should be assisted by school officials in the presumption of rape. Hillary now says any claim of rape; assault or harassment needs to be believed. I actually think the claims should be investigated before believed. And I must point out that when her husband was accused of harassment, assault and rape by numerous women she not only did not believe the women, she worked to smear their reputations. How nice it must be for Hillary to rely on the public’s short-term memory and/or failure to know in the first place.

‘Homophobic’ in Hillary’s world applies to everyone who held her previous position on marriage as of just a few years ago. By total coincidence when the polls changed so did Hillary’s definition of marriage. You see for all of Hillary’s adult life until a few years ago she was moved by her religious conviction to define marriage as between one man and one woman. This is my position today and I fully support civil unions. So I have always been homophobic by Hillary’s definition. She was only homophobic for the majority of her adult life. I guess she used to be deplorable.

I must be xenophobic in Hillary’s world because I believe we need to secure our boarders, to keep terrorists from crossing the boarder, enforce visa laws and if we can’t effectively screen all refugees, especially those who come from counties intimately associated with terror, they don’t get in. I believe people who are here illegally and have not committed any crime still need to be registered, be penalized and fined. Further they must be required to learn English and pass civics classes for legal residence. I really must be xenophobic because I believe America is exceptional, precious and fragile. I further believe that what we have here in America is unique and better then any nation in world history. I can actually hold these beliefs and still appreciate what other nations and cultures have to offer. You see the recognition of truth in by book is not a form of bigotry, immigrant hatred or jingoism. But in Hillary’s world I hold deplorable bigoted views.

Finally, I must be islamophobic because I recognize that today’s terror dominated by Muslims can find it’s roots in Islamic holy text, sermons by thousands of Imams and a 1400 year history of Islam’s spread through coercion, taxation, persecution and murder. Since I am able to chew gum and walk at the same time I must be a bigot. Since I can acknowledge that hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide are complicit in shared sympathy, support or active involvemnt with Islamic terrorists without indicting 1.4 billion Muslims, I must be islamophobic.

So it is with this Muslim woman who is featured in these videos:

But Hillary’s inability, ignorance or political expediency that moves her to ignore the obvious history, religious sanctions and roots of terror renders her pure but never deplorable.

I hope my admissions’ have now cleansed my deplorable soul.


  1. Barbara Decker

    Well said, Mike. None of us wanted Trump in the beginning but seeing her hatred for Americans, her theft through
    the Clinton Foundation of “pay for play” with Bill as the bag man selling favors to foreign nations, her quest for power at any cost, her constant lying, her affiliation with George Soros, Hollywood, Planned Parenthood, her desertion of OUR men in Benghazi and the list goes on and on. If this isn’t the face of evil, then I don’t know what is. Sure Trump is no angel by any means but he loves America. Who will his cabinet be; that will turn the tide in America. It will be a slow turning but necessary after the last eight years of socialism. God is not finished with America yet!

    1. (Post author)

      Actually you and I might not have nominated him but most of his votes came from the right. We need to take that very seriously. It bodes very badly for the future of conservatism. “He loves America.” Maybe, we really don’t know. He certainly loves Donald. On many issues he has suggested the kind of unconstitutional executive crap that Obama has implemented. Like Obama he says he knows more then the generals. If he starts a trade war we are in for economic chaos. He suggested that health and education are federal government responsibilities. The tragic irony is that many who railed against those they deemed RINO’s, mostly good conservative who actually had to vote on compromises in order to mover right,are largely responsible for nominating a person who is no conservative. He has changed his registration seven time. He is an opportunist, insufferable egotist and takes every criticism personally – very dangerous characteristics. Better then Hillay? Yes. But not much else going for him.

  2. Leon

    Sorry Mike. I agree with Barbara on Trump loving America. Every politician has a huge ego. Are we not all opportunists? If you are a capitalist then you are an opportunist.
    When I compare his love for America to the Obama’s love of America there is not contest. I don’t believe Hillary loves America for the very reasons that you attribute to Trump.
    Trump was not my first choice. However, I am very excited at the possibility of a top-notch executive picking a dream-team of advisers and getting on with the job of making America great again.

    1. (Post author)

      I sure hope he decides to listen to them. On trade he is ignoring all of them and in terms of staying on topic he mostly ignores his advisers. Will a 70 year old man change? As Mr. Levin says, Trump leads the ‘never Trump’ crowd by repeadedly being his own worst enemy. The media, Democrats and academic have automatic weapons aimed at Trump and he is filling their high volumn magazines with high caliber ammunition and handing it to them at no cost. It free anti-Trump campaign donation.


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