(CNN) A rise in typhus, a bacterial disease spread by lice or fleas, has hit the Los Angeles area, and public health officials are sounding the alarm.

As of Monday, there have been 57 cases of flea-borne typhus in Los Angeles County, the county Department of Public Health said.

A pandemic like the one that killed over 75 million people in the 14thCentury is slipping its filthy noise under a left-wing tent we call Los Angeles. An army of rats and fleas demonstrate that the razors edge between civilization and chaos may be fully crossed as the heat of summer arrives. 

In the shadow of glitzy $500 dollar hotel rooms and red- carpeted automatic weapon protected celebrity ceremonies lays a grimy carpet of 55,000 homeless. The self-proclaimed compassion-crowd zip by in limos, Tesla’s and Bentleys on their way to 5 Star restaurants, thousand dollar a seat Laker games and security-protected estates. 

Ladies and gentlemen this is the outcome of leftist run cities. Take a walk through the streets of San Francisco, San Diego, Portland and Seattle to confirm my assessment. Can’t blame those mean conservatives, they have been rendered powerless in the once Golden State. Faux compassion, hash tags, oppressive taxation, award ceremony lectures and business killing regulations only act to enhance the self-esteem of those already enamored with themselves as people who care. The poor get poorer, even poorer illegal’s flood in, while the rich are isolated in exclusive enclaves. The middle-class shrinks or moves to places where they can afford to raise a family.

Only dramatic measures will turn this ugly homeless tide. To be sure effective measures necessary to solve the problems will be fought tooth and nail by well-meaning and not so well meaning people of the left.  

Easing of gravely disabled and conservatorship laws are necessary. Laws prohibiting living on the street and using the streets as a bathroom have to written and enforced.

The city should declare a medical and safety emergency. The grounds for this dramatic declaration will be to prevent a pandemic, crime, increasing violence and protect the businesses trying to survive beside the filth. A deadline for living on the streets must be set. In the mean time the street homeless will be given details about all local sources of help, public and private. This will give willing homeless an opportunity to hook up with help and get off the streets prior to the deadline. 

Anyone living on the streets after the deadline will be taken to a fenced encampment set up by the city, arrested or asked to leave the county. Those in the camp will be given physical and mentally examines. They will be directed to appropriate treatment. Homeless illegal aliens will be deported. Criminals will be incarcerated; the mentally ill medicated or jailed, their choice. After six months anyone not placed in treatment or a shelter will be released. If they return to the streets they will be arrested for vagrancy. Harsh? You bet? Extreme? Probably. Necessary? Obviously.

If the ACLU, Hollywood celebrities and the progressives in charge of the city see my plan as heartless and borderline legal, let’s remember who was in charge as the homeless grew to an appalling 55,000. The most heartless path of all is the one that has allowed this human catastrophe to metastasize over decades.

Will leftists come to their senses as the feces and hypodermic needles pile up on their front lawns? Will the aging hippies in Venice, while washing the crap off their driveways, have the insight to recognize who is responsible? I have little confidence that any degree of objective unbiased analysis or action by left-wing leadership or media is in the offing. Can it get so bad that they will be forced to acknowledge the ineffectiveness of past prescriptions? If Venezuela and Cuba are examples, a lot more ugliness is in store before they rise in rejection of the multi-decade drift away from civilization. 


  1. Alie

    Thank you!

  2. Margaret M Weeks

    Okay, Homelessness is bad. But don’t you think that is where we need more government resources? Like making better Jails (the LA county jail is hideous beyond belief–especially for the homeless that don’t deserve to be in there.) Better mental health needs to be initiated, and free rehabs and more shelters are needed. We need more HUD housing for these folks too. This all involves government. And who shall pay for it? Well, what about taxing the rich more. Most Hollywood film people tend to be generous and already give a lot to charity, and I believe pay a lot in taxes, so this helps the problems. We gotta give these people a leg up and grass root charities cannot bear the entire burden. The government has to step in. Also, most of the homeless move to L.A. coz it’s warm and we do have more resources as well.

    1. (Post author)

      Thanks for the comments. Love to talk some time. All I will say is that throwing money after the billions already spent on these issues will be as effective as the increasing money spent on education that gets little or no positive results. The cites with the worst homelessness are governed by and have been governed by people of the left. Well-meaning repeaters of faux solutions uselessly consuming billions of dollars. Government is the problem not the solution. Cultural problems involving drugs, mental illness and individual bad decisions aren’t solved with spending.


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