The Unholy Church Of Sharpton

“On Wednesday, former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, entrepreneur Andrew Yang and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro address the network’s national convention in New York City. On Thursday, it’s former Maryland Rep. John Delaney and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s turn. And on Friday, it’s the fleet of six senators: Kamala Harris of California, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Cory Booker of New Jersey are all scheduled for speeches. Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper is also on Friday’s itinerary.” Newsweek

I would add that the socialist flavor of the month, AOC, was on hand to kiss the bigot’s tushie along with the other gutless wonders. She addressed the gathering with a contrived patronizing accent mimicking what she stereotyped that audience would prefer. 

Like compliant comrades attesting before the commissar they rhythmically chant “yes” one by one to his proposition in favor of reparations and the racism of everyone who dares to have unapproved thoughts. The orthodoxy of groupthink had the menacing feel of a religious testimonial. Anyone who dared to think for him or herself knows they will be excommunicated as heretics and certified racists in The Unholy Church of Al. 

One white candidate lined up after another to confess privilege sourced to their lack of melamine. Gay Rhodes Scholar, Pete Buttigieg (son of a Marxist professor), apologized for the speech violation of having uttered the heretical words “all lives matter”. In the mean time he governs a city with a murder rate higher then Chicago and poverty rate twice the national average.

Failed Senatorial candidate, Beto, apologizes for indicating his wife has taken care of household and child rearing matters. He too, with lowered head in submission, bemoans his skin color and what it must indicate about him. 

None of this is new. We have seen this before. These are the kind of rules that governed mandated official thoughts in China, the Soviet Union, Cuba and Venezuela. 

In case you don’t recognize him, the bigot caressing Al’s formerly plump cheeks in the photo above, is Louis Farrakhan. Louis has a rich half century history of virulent anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and anti-white bigotry well documented in speech and writing. Mr. Farrakhan’s hate is easily on par with David Duke. Of course no political candidate or public figure of any note would ever allow him or herself to be photographed let alone be at an event alongside Duke. 

Duke is a racist. Al and Louis are woke. Thus we ferret out the difference in treatment by Democrats and the media. They dare not risk political oblivion by objectively calling out hate when people of “color” promulgate it.

Unlike Duke, Louis has been cow-towed to by numerous Democratic Party congressmen and women, can rally many thousands for an event and has substantial financial backing. He represents at least 100’s of thousands of Americans. Duke has a hard time attracting a crowd of 500 for a national rally (2 dozen showed up in D.C on the anniversary of Charlottesville), has zero political support and virtually no financial backing. In other words Duke is a pathetic powerless racist annoyance. Louis and Al represent a dangerous political faction deep in the bosom of the Democratic Party. Louis, Al and a line of Democrats are in alliance pandering to the identity politics that have infecting the Party core. 

Should a chance encounter between Duke and anyone of note happen, the media would classify that person a racist. Yet the news coverage of the Action Network sycophant ceremony gave no hint of the nature of the man who was celebrated as a “civil rights advocate” by major Democrat leadership.

Al and Louis are two sides of that same bigoted coin. They are comfortable trading in the dangerous currency of racial exploitation.

I guess some of the younger Democrats don’t know about Al’s long history of lies used to ignite racial animus, tax delinquencies, inspired riots and bare-knuckled hate. If the media had done its job, it would have pointed out Al’s reprehensible track record. They wouldn’t even need to come to conclusions. Armed with the facts most would have perceived Al as a man of hate who should be marginalized. If the public knew the facts about Al, Democrats would find it harder to line up genuflecting at his feet.  

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  1. Alie



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