If black lives mattered to you rather then left wing politics and/or a lack of knowledge of who is killing blacks in obscene numbers, you would direct your energies away from exploiting the crimes committed by a few rogue cops and desist from distorting the fully justified actions of officers who act to reasonably protect themselves and others.

If black lives really mattered to you:

1. You would be pro-life with reference to abortion. Between 1990 and 2011 there were 4 million abortions of nascent innocent black children. African Americans comprise approximately 13% of the population. In any given year they account for 31-35% of all abortions. However you may feel about “choice”, at what point viability begins or the nature of your politics, the bottom line is that millions of black babies have been denied life outside the womb since abortion has become regularized.

(CNSNews.com) – In 2012, there were more black babies killed by abortion (31,328) in New York City than were born there (24,758), and the black children killed comprise 42.4% of the total number of abortions in the Big Apple, according to a report by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

2. You would support aggressive police work in high crime communities. ‘Stop and frisk’ in New York City saved black lives disproportionate to their numbers in the population.

African Americans make up 60% of homocide victims. The ugly uncomfortable truth is that 90% of those killers are black. In 2015 that amounted to 6565 shot African Americans.

Of the approximate 656 people shot by cops African Americans comprised 31%. That is disproportional to their numbers in the population but not to participation in violent crimes.

The Chicago Police Department released the city’s latest crime numbers. January 2016 was the deadliest start to a year in 16 years.

There were 292 shooting victims in January 2016, compared to the first month of 2015, when there were 136. That’s more than double. There were 51 murders in the first month of 2016, compared to 29 in January 2015. That’s a 75 percent increase.

As of the end of October 660 were killed. Chicago is on pace to exceed 700 by years end. That’s the highest number since 1998. The number shot is almost a thousand above last year, 3705 from 2620.

Those who believe this increase has nothing to due with the Black Lives Matters movement targeting the police are just deluding themselves. BLM has reduced to a sliver the thin blue line protecting innocent people in our most violent communities. Cops have been intimidated and hamstrung from doing their jobs.

According to the FBI SHR data, in 2011 there were 6,309 black homicide victims in the United States. The homicide rate among black victims in the United States was 17.51 per 100,000. For that year, the overall national homicide rate was 4.44 per 100,000. For whites, the national homicide rate was 2.64 per 100,000. In both cases the vast majority of killers were of the same race as the victims.

It might not be a comfortable reality, but those involved with crime will always be more likely to be the target of aggressive police work. In fact, that is exactly what most non-violent law-abiding people, black and white, desire.

3. You would reject the people who have been in charge of the most violent cities for more then 50 years. Clearly their alleged solutions to poverty, violence and lack of opportunity have failed. You’d not just be willing but anxious to try a different approach. Left-wing whites and blacks have run our most depressed cites for decades. Is it not logical to turn the keys over to right-leaning blacks and whites and try another way? We won’t ask for 50 years. Give us just one decade. We will bring peace, prosperity, jobs and opportunity to the places where the left has failed for more then a half century. We know a secret. The answers do not lie in police review boards, majority minority police forces, body-cams or “demilitarizing” the police. All those “solutions” just play around the edges of effective change. You can’t ignore all that has been done over decades and had little impact.

We don’t abide by the prevailing left-wing bigotry of lower expectations. We will not patronize by way of side-stepping the facts. We know that throwing money at a problem does not solve a problem. We know that the color or gender of the officers will not solve the problems. We are not afraid of telling the truth. Telling a painful truth is not a form of bigotry, no matter how many slurs may be hurled at the truth tellers.

4. You would get behind school choice (vouchers and charter schools). Like me you would believe every child deserves an equal opportunity to attend a good school. You’d reject the teacher unions that have been the major inhibitor of choice, the only effective reform.

You’d notice that an icon of the left, Senator Elizabeth Warren, is more concerned with the unions that feed her contributions then the education of poor kids. Her professed support for charter schools has disappeared as she folds in opposition to a ballot measure in Massachusetts that would authorize more charter schools. That measure failed. Hence, fewer poor kids in good schools – thank-you Senator Warren.

5. You would support only reasonable and sensible gun laws. You would know that the killers in our cities have and will continue to get guns illegally no matter how many additional laws we pass. You would be sympathetic to the God fearing good people living in violent neighborhoods and their desire to acquire guns to protect their families. A lot of carnage can occur before the police arrive.

It may be emotionally satisfying to blame racism for the profane number of homocides of African Americans. But since the vast majority are committed by African Americans racism is revealed as just an excuse detached from reality.

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