It was my error to write repeatedly that Trump could not win the general election. I apologize for underestimating the power of his impact on working class whites. They are the people most hurt by job loss due to innovation, energy regulation, over-seas competition and the shift from hard manufacturing to high-tech. They are the people who have been called all kinds of names due to their religious commitments, plane spoken English, gun culture and lack of what self-styled intellectuals (highly educated morons) consider smart. Those who were most censored by the mavens pushing politically correct hysteria felt assaulted. Americans who listened to popular culture demean them for demonstrating their patriotism came out in droves. Millions of people were pissed as they saw their health insurance premiums skyrocket and deductibles rise to levels that make insurance meaningless. I did write about Hillary’s rant against Trump’s “deplorable” supporters but failed to comprehend the depth and breath of that movement.

While I focused on how poorly conservatives connect emotionally with minorities because of hot rhetoric, I discounted Trumps emotional connection to this beleaguered group in our heartland and rust belt that were motivated by that same hot rhetoric.

But I can tell you that with the prospect of Hillary looming I was euphoric last Tuesday night. An imperfect man had saved us from plunging into the abyss led by a massively imperfect woman. Despite and maybe because of all his less then prefect demeanor, rude behavior and sometimes-inconsistent issue stances he achieved a resounding Electoral College victory.

After a week of ecstatic relief it might pay to try and determine what success will look like. How do we work to actually win the popular vote next time?

Mr. Trump promotes his ability as a maker of great deals. That is what we haven’t had for eight years and dearly need. Obama’s first two years of victories that excluded any Republican input are collapsing before our eyes. Do we learn that lesson?

Both those deemed “establishment” and the “freedom caucus” need to be prepared to compromise. The President Elect is tethered to neither camp. He is no more Mitch McConnell then Ted Cruz. He is no more Paul Ryan the Louie Gohmert. He will probably excite and disappoint all of them in one area or another.

Republicans have the White House, Senate and House of Representatives. They have a once in a lifetime opportunity to move the nation back to its constitutional roots. The Democrat Party is the weakest it’s been since the Civil War. Passing good legislation, repealing bad legislation, building our defenses and shrinking government should be the standard we use to measure success. The overlap of agreement among Republicans of all stripes is probably in the range of 80 – 90%. God help us if we get sided-tracked by recriminations about past differences, insults and that 20% of difference. If Rubio, Carson and even Cruz can jump on the Trump train that attempted to run them over with personal insults, lies and accusations, then the freedom caucus and “establishment” should be able to let their differences not inhibit what is necessary for the greater good.

What follows should be considered phenomenal success. In each area the key is to move the nation rightward, back to our Constitutional roots creating opportunity, prosperity and a military commensurate to the nations immense threats worldwide. This might not mean exactly producing everything Trumps supporters, the Senate or the House would do if left to decide alone. Or for that matter a particular faction is either body.

With or without a wall paid for by Mexico and deportation of 11 millions people success can look like this. Enforcement of immigration law as it exists today. Shred all of Obama’s unconstitutional executive orders on immigration. Implement E-verified and tracking of visa overstays. Deny federal dollars to sanctuary cities. Deport all illegal immigrants that have committed crimes. Secure our boarders as certified by the governors’ of boarder states. Once certified secure registration of all illegal immigrants based on a commitment to learn English, pay a penalty, pass a civics exam and then attain legal residence. Deport anyone who does not register. Between registration and legal residence they would have a temporary status until the requirements were satisfied. All this is doable, will not require the hearings and expense necessary for mass deportation, is incentive based and is less likely to alienate a growing Hispanic constituency. Unlike how Obama got the ACA passed, Trump could bring some Democrats along for this major immigration security and reform package.

Throw out all the executive orders employed to use bureaucracies to institute rejected legislation.

Repeal the unaffordable can’t get care act. Be sure to protect people with pre-existing conditions and cover the truly needy. Employ market forces in the reform. Restore the ability for people to choose catastrophic insurance policies and shop for policies across state lines. Eliminate the mandates. Expand HCA’s. I am not an expert but know that a verity of proposals is in the works. It will be Trumps responsibly to listen to his economic and health care experts to craft the best free market based legislation. Success can’t be defined as mere repeal.

Tax reform that entails a broader base, lower rates and a major drop in the highest corporate income tax in the industrialized world. Lower capitol gains tax rates. Repeal Dodd Frank and elimination of thousands of special interest deductions, subsidies and guarantees. The government needs to stop the kind of favoritism (subsidies) to companies like Tesla that sell one hundred thousand-dollar cars to wealthy Americans.

Place a strict constructionist justice in Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court.

Put in place a program to eliminate the maze of counter-productive regulations that have strangled businesses and business formation. Eliminate double taxation on companies doing business off shore. This and tax reform will encourage repatriation of billions.

Defund Planed Parenthood and place that money in women’s community health centers that do not perform abortions.

Approve the Keystone Pipeline.

Open up public land for safe properly controlled hydraulic fracturing.

Work to reinstate sanctions on Iran. Have the Iranian Deal put before the Senate as the Treaty it is and then roundly reject it. If and when the Iranians chose to negotiate in good faith, terminate their terror funding and withdraw their pledge to destroy Israel, then and only then sit down to negotiate a tough enforceable deal that eliminates their nuclear capacity.

Rebuild a military that is the weakest since W.W.II. Here is where I think President elect Trump needs to change his tune and lead. In order to rebuild our military and not drawn in more debt he needs to work with Congress to put in place entitlement reform. Spending on entitlements and debt service accounts for nearly 70% of the budget. Even if economic policy generates 4-5% growth, revenue will not likely materialize in amounts sufficient to rebuild the military without more debt. Let alone funding his infrastructure and new entitlement proposals. This essential legislation is only possible when Republicans are in total control. He has surrounded himself with brilliant people like Stephen Moore, Steve Forbes and Arthur Laffer. Let them put together the kind of reform that gets that job done without impacting anyone over fifty.

Reinstate the welfare work and educational reforms that have been denuded by President Obama.

I am probably missing other import areas but this certainly would be a magnificent start and could only be defined as success. We have two years. It is very likely that mid-term elections will weaken if not end the Republican hold on the House or Senate. Leadership and swallowed pride will be necessary for success to materialize while in total control.

And now the hard part to ponder as the euphoria diminishes.Trump did not win the poplar vote and about 4 million fewer people voted then in the last Presidential election, many of who were minorities unexcited by a terrible Democrat candidate. We can’t count on low turnout elections as our only road to victory. There is no electoral college in mid term elections. Romney got more popular votes then Trump.

To that end we have to recognize that Mr. Trump gave much fodder to those who called him every form of a bigot. He needs to reinforce the words of his speech on election night by initiating a conversation with minorities. He said he relished guidance from those who did not support him. Find a formal way to follow up on that offer. Bring together a minority dominated conference to map out a strategy to bring safety, prosperity and opportunity to our inner cities. Employ the services of people like Tim Scott, Mia Love, Autur Davis, Charles Paine, Suzan Martinez, Nike Haley, Kelly Ayotte, Carly Fiorina and the growing army of prominent minority conservatives to produce a roadmap to achieve this end. We know that school choice and empowerment zones are necessary. Trump is the master marketer. He needs to employ those skills backed with outreach to connect to our most desperate communities.

Speak openly and clearly to the American Muslim community. With reformers like Zudhi Jasser, Shirreen Qudosi and Raheel Raza at his side. Assure loyal Muslims Americans that they have nothing to fear. He is not anti-Muslim. He is anti-jihadist. He is not anti-Islam he is anti-sharia as law in American courts. When issues related to Muslims arise consult and ally with The American Islamic Forum for Democracy instead of CAIR.

He needs to proactively defang his own lose lips. Memories will be short if he shows he feels compelled to represent all good Americans and turns the economy around. Knowing of course that the left, media and academia will never see him as legitimate. But also knowing that without building a constituency beyond those who won him the Electoral College in 2016 demographics will eventually take a deadly toll.

Opportunity is at hand. Grab it with enthusiasm, no recriminations and proceed as happy warriors in the tradition of Reagan.

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