Get over it
Get over it
All this whinin’ and cryin’ and pitchin’ a fit
Get over it, get over it

The left doesn’t get what they wanted so they unite exhibiting a bicoastal hissy fit. It’s part hilarious and part pathetic. Teddy Bears, safe-spaces, therapists, abandoning friends on Facebook, canceled classes, sitting Shiva, finding bigotry under every conservative rock, threats by GrubHub’s Matt Maloney … that if they backed the “nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump” they should “reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here.” The left has become unhinged seeing their comfortable little insulating bubble burst. To calm the tender sensibilities of a bunch of spoiled brats who are marginally informed at best and wouldn’t know tolerance and open-mindedness if they tripped over it, they hit the streets whining about a democratically arrived at result.

For years I’ve objected to the notion of kids as activists. Never quite understood why we’d want young people with little knowledge and less experience manning protest lines. Seems to me it would make sense to show a bit of humility during those tender years having so little experienced and knowledge. After all most of these street protesters, rioters (smashing cars, blocking roads, destroying businesses) are massively uninformed. Crazy me, I would prefer they learn about the American miracle, the Constitution, western values gift to civilization, history, the sources of their opportunity and freedom before they strike out against perceived imperfections or an election outcome they don’t fancy. Exercising ones rights sometimes exposes poor judgement and ignorance.

This is not a new phenomenon. I first witnessed this hubris when students occupied administration buildings at elite universities during the anti-Viet Nam War movement. They wanted to be the judge of what they needed to learn. They displayed their ignorance by declaring Ho Chi Minh a liberator and America an imperialist state. Unfortunately weak-kneed administrators caved. That marked the beginning of the end of liberal arts education centering on western civilization. The overindulgence of twits was off and running. And right on cue school administrators today are melting before the demands of the snot nosed children. Many protestors might be over 18 but they are acting like spoiled children.

Where was the outage over 400,000 dead in Syria, millions of refugees fleeing barbarism, Boko Haram enslavement of girls, honor killings throughout the Islamic world, Obama’s failed “red line” threat, four dead Americans in Benghazi, 60 plus shootings and many dead on any particular weekend in Chicago, Darren Wilson’s lost career because of lies, Christians lined up and beheaded on the beach etc. etc. etc. Come on people grow up. You lost an election because millions of ordinary people felt ignored and marginalized. And if you don’t know who Darren Wilson is you should look him up.

And to all the traumatized left–wing Jewish cry-babies, I wonder where your outrage was when President Obama and Secretary Kerry with the support of Hillary signed the “Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action” (Iran deal). On page 142 the following text:

10. Co-operation in the form of training courses and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability
to prevent, protect and respond to nuclear security threats to nuclear facilities and
systems as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical
protection systems;

10. Co-operation through training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect
against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to
enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems.

My dear friends as plainly stated above, should Israel decide it needs to protect itself from an existential threat, our outgoing administration has committed to putting America on the side of defending Iran’s nuclear program against our best ally. Protecting the number one sponsor of terror over the only democracy in the region. Sitting Shiva because Trump who won fair and square has said some things that offend you? Showing no outrage over this abandonment of Israel? I have not one spec of sympathy for your misplaced and over wrought grieving. How come Bibi is smiling ear to ear?

Trump may have been crude with his rhetoric. But Obama and Hillary have actually endangered the free world. In one case you are silent if not supportive and in the other you show righteous indignation. Sorry it has no resonance with me.

Did any of the poor upset darlings hear that ear shattering “s..t” emanating from Jihadists around the world at about 11:30 PM Pacific Standard Time on November 8, 2016? That’s the moment jihadists realized America was weeks away from getting very serious about ridding the world of the radical Islamic menace.

Vice President elect Pence takes his daughter to see Hamilton in New York. A bunch of rude actors decide that’s the moment to give him a lecture on diversity. The stage was loaded with a gaggle of multi-colored actors with not one scintilla of opinion diversity. They had the chutzpah to question Pence. They live in their theatric world of make believe and emotion in a city where 86% voted for Hillary. New York is a city that has been made almost economically unlivable for the average Joe. And they have a problem with Pence?

Pence led a state where opportunity is exploding, the average Joe can find work, buy a house, go to a good school, and raise a family in safety. His sins? He didn’t want to change the definition of marriage, will not force people of religious conviction to participate in activities that violate their faith and believes people should use bathrooms that comport with their genitals and chromosomes. I guess that means its time to tar and feather the bastard.

Trump was not my first choice by a wide margin. But this leftist rejection of an election that was won fair and square reeks with the odious smell of moral confusion.

1 Comment

  1. Leon

    You are right on. Big babies. They are still protesting the election result. Don’t these dumb idiots know that you cannot change an election result through protesting?
    Protesting is a wonderful right, but can’t our police explain to them that rioting, burning property and stealing is not protected.


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