President Obama’s highly partisan leftist (not liberal) agenda is crumbling before our eyes. His failure to reach out to those who represent half of American has rendered his accomplishments an historical anomaly. He will leave office with a personal approval rating in the neighborhood of 55% while the “change” he bullied into effect with one party rule, bureaucratic over-reach and unconstitutional executive orders is likely to die a very ugly death. A wiser, less ideological, arrogant and more practical President could have anticipated the ephemeral nature of successes accomplished with no consensus. For his first two years he proceeded demonstrating little more then derision toward the Republicans who sought to play a role in crafting legislation. His attitude as expressed to Paul Ryan at an economic gathering, “I won, you lost”. As a result Obama’s legacy will be as unsubstantial as the Styrofoam columns that adorned the stage as he commanded the seas to stop rising and announced a fundamental transformation of America. Sorry Mr. President you are not Moses no mater how devoutly your supporters worship you.

We are witnessing the duel meltdown of his agenda and the Democratic Party. Since 2008 Democrats have lost more then 60 seats in the House of Representative and 13 in the Senate. Obama’s two-year veto proof majority was utilized to bully rather then govern. Republicans have a two to one edge in governors and control 70% of state legislatures. Obama has led his party into its weakest position since the Civil War. Although Trump did not win the popular vote, Republican candidates around the nation cumulatively did. The exquisite irony of Presidential base popularity and agenda failure should be a lesson learned for our incoming President. Obama continues to display an unctuous sense of superiority, seemingly oblivious to the Democrat devastation that will be left in his wake. It is further demonstrated by Michele as she told Oprah that hope has disappeared now that Trump has won. Before Barack was nominated she had no respect for her country. You see it’s all about her and her husband. Talk about insular and self-deluded.

As of January 20th Democratic Party leadership will include the following illustrious youthful dream team: Joe Biden 74, Nancy Pelosi 76, Bernie Sanders 75 and the youngsters in the leadership group Chuck Schumer 66 and Elizabeth Warren 67. For those of us who believe much wisdom can be found among seniors, these characters prove to be counter-intuitive. Let’s bring back youthful Anthony Weiner.

And whom do we see stepping up as a youthful party leader? That Farrakhan loving far left jihadist apologist and socialist leaning Keith Ellison. My God even the ADL had to backtrack their support for Ellison. It’s almost as if conservatives are recruiting Democrat leadership. They would be hard pressed to craft a more self-destructive team. Just when we thought the Republicans were about to self-destruct, we see the Democrats jostling past Republicans to elbow their way to the head of the line to powerlessness.

The Unaffordable Can’t Get Care Act, Dodd Frank bank “reform” legislation and Iran deal will be gutted if not repealed soon. All one needs to do is listen to the architects of the UCGCA, Ezekiel Emanuel and Jonathan Gruber, to uncover the lies and deceit that would eventually kill the ill-conceived legislation. The more they speak the better. Their patronizing noxious sense of superiority exposed them far better then any critic could. It’s the perfect metaphor for eights years of clueless rule.

Obama’s outreach to the Islamic world based on apologies for American’s imperfections has sowed the bloody seeds of mass slaughter, millions of refugees, domestic and international terror.

Am I just concerning with bashing the Obama administration? That will accomplish no more today then it has over the last 8 years. He was and is popular. My purpose is to highlight opportunity and warn about pitfalls. Anyone who is honest with themselves will admit that they don’t know how President elect Trump will govern. Why does he court Leonardo Dicaprio, Al Gore and Rahm Emanuel? Is it just a show? There is nothing productive he can learn from those people. And none of these people will support any legislation that leans at all to the right.

He could squander a golden opportunity to move the nation back to its constitutional roots if he fails to learn from Obama’s mistakes. Grandstanding (Carrier, Boeing, tweet attacks) may have hyped his popularity but it has little to do with actually accomplishing the big tasks at hand. With so many blue and mixed states going Republican there are Democrats who can and need to be nurtured to be part of legislation moving America back to the right. The President elect has to use his negotiating skills to attract their support.

I am already hearing complaints from some about Department of Education nominee Betsy DeVos. They claim she isn’t strong enough in opposition to Common Core. Other rightfully are concerned that General Mattis has expressed the notion that America is too cozy with Israel.

However, Betsy DeVos is a giant step in the right direction for school choice and has expressed a desire to foster local control of schools. If she needs some additional education about Islam, well so do 95% of Americans. Her Foundation may have contributed to a program lacking accuracy about Islam. That’s life. Her credits far outweigh her debits.

General “Mad Dog” Mattis has a four-decade track record of showing exactly how to win battles and kill the bad guys. He is likely to put fear in the hearts of jihadist worldwide. He is probably much better suited as warrior then policy maker. At least he is not as much of a Palestinian apologist as we have now.

Trump is not likely to abandon potential nominees because Breitbart or some blogger objects to his choices. I have no time for Steve Bannon but I have come to terms with him because Trump has decided to put this extremist in an advisory position. This guy will try to pull Trump into trade wars and alienates most members of Congress. I know Bannon is no bigot but neither is he a good influence.

The big picture is to rally in support for the core issues and unite to get legislation past. Two blog posts ago I outlined the big stuff that I venture to say 95% of conservatives and now some Democrats would be thrilled to put into action. All of which can get done with or without those selected or being considered to hold key posts in the Trump administration. If we have a President smart enough to stay focused on the big items and lean right in the process then we are gold. His advisors and cabinet members will not make the final decisions.

We always knew Trump had no ideological core. But in most cases his nominees are likely to be better then what we have had for eight years. If Trump is the guy we hope he is or can be then the big stuff will get done. If he turns out to be consumed with blind self-adulation, in the spirit of Obama, then a once in a lifetime opportunity will be lost.


  1. Leon

    I likes your article.
    I don’t agree that Trump has no ideological core. He believes in America, capitalism and old-fashioned values that made America great.
    He may not sound sophisticated and elegant, but America got his message loud and clear.
    His appointments to his cabinet are stunning the conservatives, who thought he would go “Democrat” on the Republican party.
    It’s early days. Who knows what to expect. The only thing that I will guaranty is that his administration will be a huge improvement on what we just endured.

  2. William Hwang

    Watch for the pendulum effect.
    An extreme left leads to extreme right.
    What does Mr. T know about the Russian meddling in the United States election? When does he know it? Was there any communication between him and Putin via third party? The American people have the right to know. Any cover up would resurrect the ghost of Watergate.
    My son will be in D.C. on the 19th of January. We will see if the inauguration will bring a historic crowd of hard core supporters and ardent protesters.

  3. Esther H

    Obama planned the executive orders would have continued into a Clinton victory; all the more sting at their loss. He is piling on more orders now so Trump Admin will be bogged down having to undo. Obama remains popular for his smooth personality. Sadly, Trump’s rhetoric attracted some misguided bigots. Trump needs to walk back the ugly generalizations he made about Mexicans and Muslims, if we are to get more centrists to turn right. He’s probably too arrogant to admit he misspoke. No, Trump does not express much of an ideological vision; will not be a Reagan. But I’m impressed that his appointments lean right.


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